Today, most of us consider pineapple a delicious tropical fruit, exotic enough to be interesting, but not annoying to those with more delicate palates. There was a time, however, when pineapples were so rare that a single one cost the equivalent of $8,000 today.

Granizado de piña colada

It was such a rare treat that artists began to celebrate pineapples by incorporating them into paintings and sculptures. Social climbers would sometimes rent one for a night, just to show off to their jealous party guests!


Pineapple is much easier and cheaper to obtain these days, but it should still be celebrated. It’s packed with nutritional qualities, including vitamins, antioxidants and disease-fighting enzymes.

Eating pineapple has also been linked to numerous health benefits. Stay with us to find out how much good you do your body every time you enjoy this tropical fruit.

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